
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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EDCS-Journal – Open Peer-Reviewed Online Journal 

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search nr. today:   24913

inscriptions found:  1

publication: Kropp-03-19-03 = Urbanova-2018, 00294 = AE 1993, 01087 = ZPE-187-266 = ZPE-212-172 = ZPE-214-114 = AE 2017, +00069 = AE 2017, 00071 = AE 2017, +00900 = AE 2019, +00968 = AE 2019, +00969 = Sanchez-2022, 00350
dating: 201 to 400         EDCS-ID: EDCS-03700512
province: Britannia         place:
Nomine Camulorigi(s) et Titocun(a)e molam quam perd<i=E>derunt / in fanum(!) dei devovi <q=C>uicumque Num[e]n invola<v=S>it / mola(m) illam ut sanguin(em) suum mittat usque diem quo / moriatur q[ui]cumque invo[l]a[vit] furta moriatur / et PAVLATORIAM quicumque [illam] invola<v=S>it / et ipse {moriato} mo[ri]atur quicumqu(e) illam / invola<v=S>it et vertogia de (h)ospitio vel <b=V>issacio / quicumque illam invola<v=S>it a de{v}o mori<a=O>tur
inscription genus / personal status: defixiones;  mulieres;  nomen singulare;  tituli operum;  tituli sacri;  viri
material: plumbum

comment In the name of Camulorigis et Titocuna I have dedicated in the temple of the god the mule which they have lost. Whoever stole that mule, whatever his name, may he let his blood until the day he dies. Whoever stole the objects of theft, may he die; and the fodder basket, whoever stole it, may he die also. Whoever stole it and the (…) from the house or the pair of bags (?), whoever stole it, may he die by the god. (Sanchez)

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