
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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search nr. today:   2212

inscriptions found:  1

publication: CIL 05, 08731 = Pais 00403 = IG-14, 02332 = ISConcor 00093 = ECConcordia 00045 = SEG-31, 00854 = SEG-41, 01814
dating: 409 to 410         EDCS-ID: EDCS-05401529
province: Venetia et Histria / Regio X         place:
ἐνθάδε κατάκιτε Αὐρήλιος / Ὀλβανὸς Ἀλεξάνδρου ἀπὸ ἐ/ποικίου Σέκλα ὅρων Ἀπα/μέων Κοίλης (Σ)υρίας ἐτῶν μ/ικρόπ(λ)εος λʹ ἐάν τις τολμή/σ(ῃ) ἀνῦξε τὸν σορὸν τοῦτον / ἄνευ τῶν ἰδίων αὐτοῦ δώσ(ει) / τῷ εἱερῷ ταμίῳ χρυσοῦ λί(τραν) αʹ // ἔτους / ακψʹ
inscription genus / personal status: inscriptiones christianae
material: lapis
comment: sarcophagus, monogramma Christi

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