
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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search nr. today:   50182

inscriptions found:  1

publication: CIL 06, 20905 (p 3526) = CLE 00095 (p 854) = Mander 00044 = DM p 266 = AE 2019, +00004 = Sanchez-2022, 00004
dating: 76 to 100         EDCS-ID: EDCS-12201586
province: Roma         place:
Dis Manibus / Iuniae M(arci) f(iliae) Proculae vix(it) ann(os) VIII m(enses) XI d(ies) V miseros / patrem et matrem in luctu reliqui<t=D> fecit M(arcus) Iuniu[s 3] / Euphrosynus sibi et [3]e tu sine filiae et parent{i}um in u[no ossa] / requ(i)escant quidquid nobis feceris idem tibi speres mihi crede tu tibi testis [eris] // Hic stigmata aeterna Acte libertae scripta sunt vene/nariae et perfidae dolosae duri pectoris clav<u=O>m et restem / sparteam ut sibi collum alliget et picem candentem / pectus malum com<b=M>urat suum manumissa grati(i)s / secuta adulterum patronum circumscripsit et / ministros ancillam et puerum lecto iacenti / patrono abduxit ut animo desponderet solus / relictus spoliatus senex e(t) Hymno {f}<e=F>ade(m) sti(g)m(a)ta / secutis / Zosimum
inscription genus / personal status: carmina;  mulieres;  nomen singulare;  tituli sepulcrales;  tria nomina;  viri
material: lapis

comment Here the eternal marks of infamy have been written for Acte the freedwoman, the poisoner, faithless and deceitful, hardhearted. (I bring) a nail and a rope of broom so that she may bind her own neck, and burning pitch to consume her evil heart. Manumitted free of charge, she cheated her patron, following an adulterer, and she stole away his servants —a slave girl and a boy— while her patron was lying in bed, so that he pined away, and old man left alone and despoiled. And the same marks of infamy to Hymnus, and to those who followed Zosimus. (Sanchez)

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