
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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search nr. today:   8596

inscriptions found:  1

publication: CIL 06, 13179 (p 3911) = CIL 01, 01258 (p 972) = ILLRP 00413
dating: -43 to -1         EDCS-ID: EDCS-15300464
province: Roma         place:
L(ucius) Aurelius / Cottae l(ibertus) / Philostra(tus) / L{e}ivia / Drusillae / l(iberta) Galatea / in fr(onte) p(edes) XII in / ag(ro) (!) XX ho[c] / [mon(umentum) her(edem) non seq(uetur?)]
inscription genus / personal status: liberti/libertae;  mulieres;  nomen singulare;  tituli sepulcrales;  tria nomina;  viri
material: lapis

comment Livia Drusilla, who became the wife first of Ti. Claudius Nero and then of Imp. Caesar Divi f., was born in 59 BC, and was married by early 42 BC, since she gave birth to the future emperor Tiberius in November of 42 BC. At that time she was barely more than 17 years old, so she was hardly in any position to liberate one of her slaves in an earlier year than about 43 BC. This is the only inscription in the EDCS in which Drusilla clearly refers to Livia Drusilla rather than to Caligula's sister Iulia Drusilla or Diva Drusilla or to some other less distinguished woman with this cognomen. It is certain that Livia continued to be known by her cognomen Drusilla at least until 32 BC, since that's how Cornelius Nepos referred to her in his life of Atticus (19.4) and how M. Antonius referred to her in his letter to his estranged brother-in-law (Suetonius, D. Aug. 69.2). Hence a range of dates of ca. 43 to 1 BC would seem appropriate. [John D. Morgan III]

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