
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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search nr. today:   96054

inscriptions found:  1

publication: CIL 03, 07465 (p 2328,87) = Conrad 00322 = AE 2008, +01204
dating: 271 to 330         EDCS-ID: EDCS-28500185
province: Moesia inferior         place:
R(este) viator / et lege Var(ius) / Sudicintis mile<s=X> / vixit a/nnis XL / qui mili/tavit in nu/mero scu/tariorum / cuius cara / mater Sus/a ere<x=G>i{i}t / titul<u=O>(m) / viator
inscription genus / personal status: milites;  mulieres;  nomen singulare;  tituli sepulcrales;  tria nomina;  viri
material: lapis

comment The nomen of the deceased clearly reads VAR = Var(ius); the editors of CIL, followed by Conrad, read in lines 2-3 a single name »Varsudicintis«; the correct interpretation of the name as an abbreviated Roman nomen followed by a Thracian cognomen was proposed by V. Dobrusky in 1900. The verb in line 13 is EREGIIT (!), as already noted by R. Loeper in 1905; the perfect »eregi« instead of »erexi« is also typical of Late inscriptions, cf. »eregerunt« and »erigerunt« for »erexerunt« in EDCS-38100361 and EDCS-38100362 from Novae in Moesia inferior (dated to AD 431 and 432). [Nicolay Sharankov]

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