
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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EDCS-Journal – Open Peer-Reviewed Online Journal 

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search nr. today:   640

inscriptions found:  1

publication: DefTab 00135 = D 08751 = Kropp-01-04-02-03 = Urbanova-2018, 00012 = AnalEpi p 315 = AE 1901, 00183 = AE 2017, +00186 = AE 2019, +00337b = Sanchez-2022, 00051
dating:to 50         EDCS-ID: EDCS-38400059
province: Latium et Campania / Regio I         place:
Malc(h)io Nicones oculos / manus di<g=C>itos brac(ch)ias un<g=C>(u)<e=I>s / capil(l)<u=O>(m) caput pedes femu<r=S> vent{e}r(em) / nat<e=I>s um(bi)licu<m=S> pectus mamil(l)as / collu<m=S> os buc(c)as dentes labia{s} / me(n)tu<m=S> oc(u)los fronte(m) supercili(a) / scap(u)las umerum nerv<o=IA>s os{su} / merilas(?) vent{e}r(em) mentula(m) crus / qua(e)stu(m) lucru(m) valetudines defi<g=C>o / in (h)<i=A>s tabel(l)<i=A>s // Rufa publica manus de(n)tes / oc(u)los b<r=S>ac(ch)ia vent{e}r(em) mamil(l)a(s) / pectus os{u} merilas(?) vent{e}r(em) / [3] crus os pedes frontes / un<g=C>(u)<e=I>s di<g=C>itos vent{e}r(em) um(bi)licu<m=S> cun(n)u<m=S> / qua(e)stum Rufa(e)s(!) publica(e) def(i)<g=C>o / in (h)<i=A>s tabel(l)<i=A>s
inscription genus / personal status: defixiones;  mulieres;  nomen singulare;  tituli fabricationis;  viri
material: plumbum

comment Malchio son/ slave of Nikon: his eyes, hands, fingers, arms, nails, hair, head, feet, thigh, belly, buttocks, navel, chest, nipples, neck, mouth, cheeks, teeth, lips, chin, eyes, forehead, eyebrows, shoulder-blades, shoulders, sinews, guts, marrow (?), belly, cock, leg, trade, income, health, I do curse in this tablet. Rufa the public slave: her hands, teeth, eyes, arms, belly, breasts, chest, bones, marrow (?), belly, guts, mouth,… feet, forehead, nails, fingers, womb, navel, cunt: these things belong to Rufa the public slave I do curse in this tablet. (Sanchez)

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