
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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search nr. today:   117172

inscriptions found:  1

publication: CIL 01, 02520a (p 967) = Kropp-01-04-04-08 = Urbanova-2018, 00020 = Ehmig-2017b, p 30 = AE 1912, 00140a = AE 1912, +00274a = AE 2016, +00065 = Sanchez-2022, 00010
dating: -70 to 30         EDCS-ID: EDCS-38600018
province: Roma         place:
Bona pulchra Proserpina [P]lut[o]nis ux{s}or / s{e}ive me Salviam d{e}icere oportet / eripias salutem c[orpus co]lorem vires virtutes / Ploti tradas [Plutoni] viro tuo n<e=I> possit cogitationibus / su{e}is hoc vita[re tradas] illu<m=N>{c} / febri quartan[a]e t[ertian]ae cot{t}idia[n]ae / qua<e=S> [cum illo l]uct[ent(ur) deluctent(ur) illu<m=N>{c}] / ev[in]cant [vincant] usq[ue dum animam] / [eiu]s eripia[nt quare ha]nc victimam / tibi trad[o Prose]rpi[na siv]e me / Proserpin[a si]ve m[e Ach]eru{o}siam dicere / oportet m[i(hi) mittas a]rcessitum canem / tric<i=E>pitem qui [Ploti] cor eripiat pollic<e=I>ar<i=U>s / illi te daturum t[r]es victimas / palma[s ca]rica[s] por[c]um nigrum / hoc s{e}i pe[rfe]cerit [ante mensem] / M[artium haec P]r[oserpina Salvia tibi dabo] / cum compote(m) fe[cer]is do tibi cap[ut] / Ploti {Avon}[{iae} Pr]oserpina S[alvia] / do tibi fron[tem Plo]ti Proserpina Salvia / do [ti]b[i] su[percilia] Ploti Proserpin[a] / Salvia do [tibi palpebra]s Plo[ti] / Proserpina Sa[lvia do tibi pupillas] / Ploti Proser[pina Salvia do tibi nare]s / labra <au=O>r[iculas nasu]m lin[g]uam / dentes P[loti] n<e=I> dicere possit / Plotius quid [sibi dole]at collum umeros / bracchia d[i]git[os ne po]ssit aliqui<d=T> / se adiutare [pe]c[tus io]cinera cor / pulmones n[e possit] senti[re] qui<d=T> / sibi doleat [intes]tina vent{e}r(em) um[b]ilicu[m] / latera [n]<e=I> p[oss]it dormire scapulas n<e=I> poss[it] s[a]nus dormire visc<e=U>(re)m / sacrum n{e}i possit urinam facere / nat<e=I>s anum [fem]ina genua / [crura] tibias pe[des talos plantas] / [digito]s ung(u)<e=I>s n<e=I> po[ssit s]tare sua / virt[u]te s{e}ive [plu]s s{e}ive parvum / scrip[tum fuerit] quomodo qui<d=C>qu[id] / legitim[e scripsit] mandavit s{e}ic / ego Ploti(um) ti[bi tr]ado mando / ut tradas [mandes me]nse Februari[o] / [e]c(c)illu<m=N>{c} mal[e perdat mal]e ex<e=S>et / [mal]e disper<e=D>[at mandes tra]das ni possit / [ampliu]s ullum [mensem aspic]ere / [videre contempla]r<i=E>
inscription genus / personal status: defixiones;  tituli fabricationis;  tituli sacri
material: plumbum

comment Good and beautiful Proserpina or Salvia, if you prefer that I call you so, wife of Pluto, snatch away the health, the body, the complexion, the strength, and the faculties of Plotius. Hand him over to Pluto, your husband. May he not be able to escape this (curse) by his wits. Hand him over to fevers―quartan, tertian and daily―so that they wrestle and struggle with him. Let them overcome him to the point where they snatch away his soul. Thus I give over to you this victim, Proserpina or Acherusia if you prefer that I call you so. Summon for me the triple-headed hound to snatch away the heart of Plotius. Promise that you will give him three victims (gifts)―dates, figs and a black pig―if he completes this before the month of March. These I will offer you, Proserpina Salvia, when you complete this in an orderly fashion. I give over to you the head of Plotius, the slave of Avonia. Proserpina Salvia, I give over to you the head of Plotius. Proserpina Salvia, I give over to you the forehead of Plotius. Proserpina Salvia, I give over to you the eyebrows of Plotius. Proserpina Salvia, I give over to you the eyelids of Plotius. Proserpina Salvia, I give over to you the pupils of Plotius. Proserpina Salvia, I give over to you the nostrils, lips, ears, nose, tongue and teeth of Plotius, so that he may not be able to say what is causing him pain; the neck, shoulders, arms, and fingers, so that he may not be able to aid himself in anyway; his breast, liver heart, and lungs, so that he may not be able to discover the source of his pain; his intestines, stomach, navel, and sides, so that he may not be able to sleep; his shoulder blades, so that he may not be able to sleep soundly; his “sacred organ” so that he may not be able to urinate; his rump, anus, thighs, knees, shanks, shins, feet, ankles, heels, toes, and toenails, so that he may not be able to stand by his own strength. No matter what he may have written, great or small, just as he has written a proper spell and commissioned it (against me), so I hand over and consign Plotius to you, so that you may take care of him by the month of February. Let him perish miserably. Let him leave life miserably. Let him be destroyed miserably. Take care of him so that he may not see another month. (Sanchez)

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