
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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EDCS-Journal – Open Peer-Reviewed Online Journal 

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search nr. today:   10902

inscriptions found:  1

publication: Kropp-03-07-01 = Urbanova-2018, 00284 = AE 1982, 00669 = Sanchez-2022, 00441
dating: 71 to 400         EDCS-ID: EDCS-08600466
province: Britannia         place:
A Nase[3] / eve(h)it Vroc[3]/sius fascia(m) et armi[lla]/s cap(it)<u=O>lare(!) spectr[um(?)] / c<o=U>fia(m) duas ocrias X vas/a stagnea si mascel si <f=M>e/mina si puer si pu(e)lla duas / ocri(as) si v<o=U>l{l}(u)eris factae sang(uine) / suo ut (i)llu(m) requ<i=E>rat{at} Neptu(nu)s e(t) amictus e(t) c<o=U>fia arm(i)lla[e 3] / denarii XV cap<i=E>(t)<u=O>lare tunc sanguin(e) / fasciam tenet fur e / c(h)arta s(upra) s(cripta) ratio(n)e
inscription genus / personal status: defixiones;  mulieres;  nomen singulare;  tituli operum;  viri
material: plumbum

comment Vroc…sius (?) carries off from Nase… a wreath, bracelets, a cap, a mirror (?), a headdress, a pair of leggings, ten pewter vessels, whether he be man or woman, boy or girl. If you (Neptune) want (literally: shall have wished for) the pair of leggings, they shall become yours at the price of his blood, so that he, Neptune, shall seek him out, and a cloak and head-dress and bracelets, fifteen denarii, the cap. Then the thief holds onto the wreath at the cost of his blood in accordance with the transaction on the above written sheet. (Sanchez)

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