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inscriptions found: 1
publication: Kropp-01-07-04-01 = Urbaniva-2018, 00040 = AnalEpi p 289 = AE 1975, 00449 = AE 1987, 00455 = AE 2004, 00616 = Sanchez-2022, 00105
dating: 1 to 50 EDCS-ID: EDCS-09400436
province: Venetia et Histria / Regio X place:
Q(uintus) Domatius C(ai) f(ilius) bonum tempus / mihi mea(e)que aetati / id ego mando remandata / quo(d) i(i)s apud deos i(n)feros ut pereant / et defigantur quo(d) ego heres sim / pupillus C(ai) Grani C(ai) f(ilii) C(aius) Poblici(us) populi l(ibertus) / Aprodis(ius) L(ucius) Corneliu(s) meo sum(p)tu / defigo illos <ut=QUO> pereant
inscription genus / personal status: defixiones; liberti/libertae; praenomen et nomen; tituli sacri; viri
material: plumbum
(I), Quintus Domatius, son of Gaius, (I wish that) I
and my age(?) are happy. Therefore I convey the order/
message [i.e., the tablet with the curse] by which they
may be accursed by infernal gods and perish, by which
I shall become an heir: boy Coranius, son of Gaius,
Gaius Publicius, the freedman, Aphrodisius, Lucius
Cornelius. At my own cost, I accurse them so that they
may die. (Sanchez)
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