
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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EDCS-Journal – Open Peer-Reviewed Online Journal 

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search nr. today:   1215

inscriptions found:  1

publication: BCAR-2003-138 = AE 2003, 00645 = Sanchez-2022, 00096
dating: 101 to 300         EDCS-ID: EDCS-29900216
province: Etruria / Regio VII         place:
Q(u)omodo h(a)ec char/ta coelis (h)ab<i=E>{a}t{i} in deo / Adonine cito iac<e=I>t / silet lang(u)et sic(c)a/ta sic Quintus Agrip//pini s(ervus) uter saltuensis / langu<e=I>at a<e=I>grot<u=I>s / ex omologi(s) fer<u=I>(s) igni(s) / na(tus) ann(os) IL devinc<a=I>t / non seion fortior et / sic moriatur
inscription genus / personal status: inscriptiones christianae;  nomen singulare;  servi/servae;  tituli operum;  viri
material: plumbum

comment Just as this letter quickly vanishes from the upper world (as?) the god Adonis, (and it) lies mute, languishes, having been dried up, in the same way may Quintus, the servant of Agrippinus, the one who is a woodland watchman, languish and become sick; and as agreed (?) may a fierce fire overcome him, at the age of forty-nine (since) he (is) not stronger than the divine powers and so (finally) he dies. (Sanchez)

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