
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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EDCS-Journal – Open Peer-Reviewed Online Journal 

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search nr. today:   36378

inscriptions found:  1

publication: CIL 06, 33899 = D 08750 = DefTab 00140 = Kropp-01-04-04-04 = Urbanova-2018, 00018 = AnalEpi p 77 = AE 2004, +00201 = Sanchez-2022, 00005
dating: 351 to 450         EDCS-ID: EDCS-38600872
province: Roma         place:
]nos me/[3]igimo / [3]i[3]ep/[3]n me/[3]xere e/[3]nu[3] // [6] / [3]oυ / [3] Μνε / [3]φρι / ααααααα / εεεεεεε / ιιιιιιι / οοοοοοο / υυυυυυυ / ωωωωωωω / Οὐσιριμευι / Οὐσιριασι / Οὐσιρινασιρι / Οὐσιρινεμοφρι / Εὐλάμων κάτεχε // Victor // Asella mater // filius Prae[se]/tici[us] / pris[tina]/ri[us] // filius / qui [tra]do ab hac (h)ora ab hoc die ab hac noc/te / t[3]mti[3]te / tere contere confri[ng]e et [3 t]rade / morti fili[u]m Asell(a)es(!) Praeseti[ci]um pristinarium / qui manet in regione nona ubi videtur arte(m) sua(m) / facere et trade Plutoni praeposito mortuorum / et si forte te contempserit patiatur febris / frigus tortion<e=I>s pallor<e=I>s sudores ob{b}ripi/lation<e=I>s meridianas interdianas ser<o=V>/tinas nocturnas ab hac (h)ora ab hac(!) die ab hac (!) / et perturba eum ne repr{a}e(h)ensionem (h)abeat / et si forte occa{n}sione(m) invenerit praefocato eum / Praeset<ic=ET>ium fili[um Asell](a)es(!) in T(h)ermas [in] <b=V>alneas in quocumque loco / et pede(m) frange Pr[aesetici]o Asell(a)es(!) et et [si] forte te seducat per aliqua / [artifici]a et rideat de te et exsultet{ur} tibi / vince peroccide filium mar<i=E>s Praesete/[c]ium pristinar[iu]m filium [A]sell(a)es(!) / qui manet in regione [nona 3]cede / tac(h)y tac(h)y // ]ene / [3]ne / [3]is tac(h)y
inscription genus / personal status: defixiones;  mulieres;  nomen singulare;  officium/professio;  tituli operum;  viri
material: plumbum

comment ‘...from this ...from this hour, from this day, from this night... trample, crush, smash and... consign to death Praeseticius the miller, son of Aselle, who lives in Regio IX, where he can be seen going about his work; and hand him over to Pluto, the King of the Dead (praeposito mortuorum), then if he snubs you, let him suffer from fevers, cold, torments, pallor, sweating, shivering morning and noon, evening and night from this hour, from this day, from this (night); and set him to so that he has no respite, but if he does manage to get better, suffocate that Praestetius [sic], in the hot bath, in the cold bath, wherever; bind him, destroy Praeseticius the son of Aselle, and if he manages to put you off by some trick or other, and mocks you, and laughs you out, overcome him, kill him again and again, the blackguard, Praeseticius the miller, son of Aselle, who lives in Regio IX, now now, quick, quick! (Sanchez)

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