
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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EDCS-Journal – Open Peer-Reviewed Online Journal 

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search nr. today:   1456

inscriptions found:  1

publication: CERom-31, 01536 = TitAq-03, 01436 = ZPE-190-164 = AE 2009, 01169 = AE 2010, +00016 = Sanchez-2022, 00532
dating: 171 to 230         EDCS-ID: EDCS-51400615
province: Pannonia inferior         place:
Iulia Nissa et Gaius Mutilius ne possit facere con/tra Oceanum contra Am(o)ene(m) ne possit Gaius contra Felic(i)o/ne(m) facere Respectes(!) lingua ne possit adversus co(n)servos / Ammionis lingua ne possit [3] / facere Eunici Suri lingua ne possit adversus Oceanu{nu}(m) / Asellionis lingua et nomen ne possit a<d=T>versus Oc<e=I>anum facere / loqui ne possit Gaius aut Iulia adversus Annia/ {Anniani lingua ne possit [3] /} num facere et Decibali lingua et nomen ne pos/sit adversus Oceanum facere eo modo hoc ego aver/so graphio scribo sic linguas(!) illorum aversas ne pos(s)int / facere contra (h)os L[3]CO supra posivi ne Gaius aut Iul[ia] / Nissa et Eunicus Surus adversus Oceanum lin[gu]/as ob [3]AE[3] lingu[a- 3]ECCIGNISN[1] / contra Am(o)ene(m!) [
inscription genus / personal status: defixiones;  mulieres;  nomen singulare;  servi/servae;  tria nomina;  viri
material: plumbum

comment May Iulia Nissa and Gaius Mutilius be unable to do harm to Oceanus and Amoena. May Gaius be unable to do harm to Felicio. May Respecta’s tongue be unable to do harm to the fellow slaves. May Eunicus Surus’ tongue be unable to speak against Oceanus. May Gaius, or Iulia, be unable to do harm to Annianus. And may Decibalus’ tongue (and name) be unable to do harm to Oceanus. Just as I write this with a bent, twisted stylus, so too, may their bent and twisted tongues be unable to do harm to these… who I mentioned above. May Gaius or Iulia or Eunicus Surus be unable to… their bound tongue against Oceanus… May Asellio’s tongue be unable to… against Amoena. (Between ll. 3–5, with smaller letters): May Ammio’s tongue be unable to… against… May Asellio’s tongue (and name) be unable to do harm to Oceanus… May Annianus’ tongue be unable… (Sanchez)

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