
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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EDCS-Journal – Open Peer-Reviewed Online Journal 

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search nr. today:   24633

inscriptions found:  1

publication: SIFC-1899-193-1 = Kropp-01-01-02-01 = Urbanova-2018, 00003 = ZPE-179-205 = AE 2011, 00377 = sanchez-2022, 00117
dating: 301 to 500         EDCS-ID: EDCS-52200536
province: Aemilia / Regio VIII         place:
φωρβη ψιαο τιωρ / φωρβεθ βραι βαριω / φωρβεν ω βαθακαρ / φωρβι καμφι / φωρρω οεφ[ρνβ] / φωρβι Por//cel/lus //ιαγαακ[ερβε] / φωρρα Cηθ O // Porcellu(s) // Por/cel/lus / m<u=A>/lomedicu(s) // Porcel[lus] / medicu[s] / m<u=O>lomedicu(s) interficite omn[e] / corpus caput <d=T>ente(s) oculus / []A[1]tas facite Porcellu(m) et [Mau]/rilla(m) u<xo=SU>re(m) ipsius dite[3]/em corpus omnis me<m=N>bra [3] / bisc[1]d[1] Porcelli qui iced[3] / [3]t languat etru[3] // Pocellus // Porcellus // mulo Porcel[l]/lo m<u=O>lomedico [3] // [Po]rcellu[s] / [6 Mau]/rill[a] / ipsius / m<u=O>lomedicus // Mulo Porce[l]/lo m<u=O>lomedico [3] / interficite eum occidite eni[3]/teprofucate Porcellu(m) et Mau/rilla(m) u<xo=SU>re(m) ips[i]us anima cor [1]/nata epar isi[3]e[1]mr / (3)us / [
inscription genus / personal status: defixiones;  mulieres;  nomen singulare;  officium/professio;  viri
material: plumbum

comment Porcellus. Porcellus the veterinarian. Porcellus the physician. The veterinarian. Destroy his entire body, his head, teeth, eyes… Let Porcellus and his wife, Maurilla, be… (?) May all Porcello’s body, limbs, entrails… disintegrate, languish and collapse. Porcellus the veterinarian and Maurilla his (wife). Porcellus. Porcellus. Veterinarian (?) Porcellus the veterinarian. Destroy, crush, kill, strangle Porcellus and his wife Maurilla. Their soul, heart, buttocks, liver…’ (fragment II): ‘…tertian, quartan, (fevers?) …pallor, colds, diseases …Porcellus the veterinarian …Fire (Sanchez)

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