
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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EDCS-Journal – Open Peer-Reviewed Online Journal 

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search nr. today:   21095

inscriptions found:  1

publication: DTM 00002 = Urbanova-2018, 00232 = Scholz-2015, p 036 = AE 2005, 01123 = AE 2010, +00108 = AE 2012, +00131 = Romanitas-2022-103 = Sanchez-2022, 00493
dating: 71 to 130         EDCS-ID: EDCS-59500318
province: Germania superior         place:
Quisquis dolum malum adm[isit de] hac pecun[i]a [3] / ille melior et nos det[eri]ores sumus [3] / Mater deum tu persequeris per terras per [maria per locos] / ar(i)dos et umidos per benedictum tuum et o[mnes 3 qui de hac] / pecunia dolum malum adhibet ut tu perse[quaris illum 3 quomodo] / galli se secant et praecidunt vir[i]lia sua sic il[le 3]RSQ / intercidat MELORE pec[tus 33]BISIDIS [ne]que se admisse nec [3] / hostiis si[n]atis nequis t[3] neque SVT[1]TIS neque auro neque / argento neque ille solvi [re]fici redimi possit quomodo galli / bellonari(i) magal[i] sibi sanguin[em] ferventem fundunt frigid[us] / ad terram venit sic et [3]CIA copia cogitatum mentes [quem]/admodum de eis gallo[r]u[m ma]galorum bellon[ariorum sanguinem(?)] / spectat qui de ea pecunia dolum malum [admisit sic illius] / exitum spectent et a[d qu]em modum sal in [aqua liques]/cet sic et illi membra m[ed]ullae extabescant cr[a]s [veniat] / et dicat se admisisse ne[fa]s d[e]mando tibi rel[igione] / ut me votis condamnes et ut laetus libens ea tibi referam / si de eo exitum malum feceris
inscription genus / personal status: defixiones;  tituli operum;  tituli sacri
material: plumbum

comment Whoever has committed fraud with this money, [neither] is he the better (for it) nor we the worse (?) ... Mother of the gods, you pursue (your enemies) across land and [sea], arid and humid [places], by your dear departed (= Attis) to hunt down the person who has taken the money by fraud ... [Just as] the galli lacerate themselves and sever their genitals, so may .... he cut … his breast (?)… And if he says he has not committed …, may you not permit him to redeem himself with sacrificial offerings nor … nor be he able to free or restore or redeem himself with gold or silver. Just as the adherents of Mater Magna and the priests of Bellona and the magali spill their hot blood, which is cold (when) it touches the ground, so his …, his abilities, his thinking and wits ... Just as … of the galli, the magali and the priests of Bellona ... (Just as) he watches the person who commits fraud concerning this money, so let (the people) watch his death and ... Just as salt will , so may his limbs and marrow melt. May he be tortured and may he declare that he has committed sacrilege. I solemnly entrust (this) to you, in order that you may fulfil my wishes and I gladly and willingly fulfil my vow to you, if you make him die a horrible death. (Sanchez)

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