
Epigraphik-Datenbank  Clauss / Slaby

Manfred Clauss / Anne Kolb / Wolfgang A. Slaby / Barbara Woitas

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EDCS-Journal – Open Peer-Reviewed Online Journal 

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search nr. today:   9709

inscriptions found:  1

publication: Kropp-03-01-01 = Urbanova-2018, 00241 = AE 1986, 00463 = Sanchez-2022, 00446
dating: 301 to 350         EDCS-ID: EDCS-07600291
province: Britannia         place:
Donatio di{e}bus(!) quo(d) / per(d)i(di)t Butu resque / qu(a)<s=E> fu[ratur] nec ante sa/n<i=E>tate(m) nec salute(m) / n<i=E>si qua(m) in do[m]o dei / [3] san<i=E>tate(m) in do/[mo dei(?)] // S(unt?) s(upra) s(cripti)
inscription genus / personal status: defixiones;  tituli sacri
material: plumbum
comment: A gift to the gods (?) by which Butu has perished, and the property which… neither health nor safety before unless in the house of God… health in the house of God (repeated ?)… (Sanchez)

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